Urbanization of the catchment and the need to introduce sound water resource management meant innovative solutions were needed. Close liaison with the landscape architect resulted in the flattening and meandering of the existing steep sided open drain, and the incorporation of landscaped compensating basins.
The project included culverts, drop and other control structures and the use of innovative precast concrete panels in their construction to reduce cost and construction timeframes.
Existing infrastructure were modified to make it safe for public access whilst minimizing costs of the work.
The initial portion of the work was required to be done adjacent to Hardy Road East and was required to be constructed and integrated with the adjacent subdivision which had commenced work.
A 400m section of open drain was then designed to enable the redirection of the Woodlupine Brook Branch Drain at the corner of St John Road and Sheffield Road through proposed Public Open Space. This was also required to be constructed with the adjacent subdivision.
Project Summary
June 2005
June 2016
Services Provided:
Water Resource Management