David Wills and Associates are proud members of the following organisations:
Institute of Engineers Australia
National Engineers Registers (NER)
Asia Pacific Economic Co-operations Co-Ordinating Commitee (APEC)
Australian Steel Institue
In addition to servicing Western Australia, we are also able to provide engineering services in Queensland, Victoria and Northern Territory having memberships to the following:
Victorian Building Authority
Board of Professional Engineers Queensland
Northern Territory Building Practitioners Board
David Wills and Associates is proud to have gained membership to the following panels:
Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA)
Building Management and Works (BMW), Department of Finance (Civil Engineering and Civil Hydrology)
The Water Corporation's List of Prequalified Developer's Engineering Consultants
David Wills has also been invited to sit on the following:
Interview panel for the Civil College Institution of Engineers, Australia in regards to CPEng assessment and approvals
Advisory Committee for Curtin University – Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering