Canning Vale
David Wills and Associates provided structural and civil engineering services to complete the concept design, detailed design and documentation for this commercial project.
The main Commercial Warehouse and Office comprised approximately 6000 square metres of floor space, on a total lot size of 1.45ha.
The Warehouse Building consisted of 150mm thick precast concrete tilt panel walls, up to 12m in height, with structural steel roofing including long span trusses bridging up to 34m. Wide cantilevering canopies formed from structural steel were also provided over the main Warehouse access doors. Reinforced concrete slab on ground internal flooring was specified and detailed to provide a durable surface for forklifts and operational loading within the Warehouse. The project also involved the integration of bespoke Architectural elements into the design of an office area which was integral to delivering a project which the client felt reflected their status within the industry.
We were involved in the project from the concept design stage, through to the tender and construction stages, involving:
Contract drawings and specifications;
Insight into contractor selection;
Answering contractor queries;
Checking shop drawings, and;
Providing construction support.
Externally, the project called for reinforced concrete slab on ground external paving across the site and a depressed dock area to provide level access from the rear of delivery vehicles to the Warehouse floor. Precast tilt up wall panels were also utilised to form the depressed dock area and retain soil abutting the lot boundaries. An onsite stormwater detention system was designed to effectively store and discharge rainfall generated by a 1 in 100 year ARI storm event.
With a thorough understanding of precast concrete design and construction in Western Australia, David Wills and Associates pushed the design envelope for the Warehouse exterior wall panels, saving the Client on additional material costs. A 150mm thick wall section, up to 12m in height was optimised.
David Wills and Associates also provided efficient analysis and advice to achieve a cut to fill balance on the site, allow for excavation associated with a depressed dock area abutting the main Warehouse building.
Project Summary
Oct 2015
Dec 2016
Services Provided:
Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Construction support