The Aged Care facility under management of Little Sisters of the Poor required upgrade of their buildings and infrastructure to ensure safe and pleasant operation of the site. Due to the age of the existing facility it was decided that new facility is to be build.
The land owned by Little Sisters of the Poor has been subdivided into two lots with southern portion of the site being maintained as an operational facility during the construction period. It has been decided that the southern portion of the property will be sold after the construction of the new facility is completed to help funding the new complex.
David Wills and Associates undertook the detailed structural design of all new building to be developed on site. This included footing and slab design, tilt-up panel walls design to all proposed buildings and timber roof structure design. The structural design also covered timber roof trusses over the courtyard area and specialist design of the church incorporating unique architectural elements of the structure.
David Wills and Associates undertook the detailed civil design of the strategic sewer network, water supply system for the entire site, carpark design, earthworks and grading of the site and associated stormwater design.
Computer modelling of the water supply system to minimise pipe diameters and head losses within the system. This included detailed analysis of demand for the entire site to determine the average and peak water demands which was required to determine required water meter size.
Lengthy negotiations with Water Corporation regarding the required water meter installation and downgrade of the existing water meter were undertaken by David Wills and Associates. The negotiations allowed for significant reduction of the Water Corporation headwork fees due to reduction of water supply and wastewater infrastructure contribution which were determined based on water supply demand for the developed property and Water Corporation Single Residential Equivalent (SRE) contributions.
A 3d earthworks model of the entire new site including allowances for future foundations and carpark construction was prepared to achieve a balanced cut and fill volumes over the entire project area. This has been done to minimise construction costs associated with the site preparation and the earthworks.
Project Summary
Jan 2017
May 2019
Services Provided:
Civil and Structural Design, Tender Documentation and calling tenders for earthworks and sewer extension works, site supervision during entire construction period.