The Bushfire Planning and Design scheme (BPAD) was developed by Fire Protection Association Australia (FPA Australia).
BPAD are an organisation where you can find professional bushfire practitioners that will provide you with advice on how to protect your home from bushfire risks.
Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessments are required for all properties that are located within bushfire-prone areas. Whether it is the construction of a new home, new shed or patio, or extension or alteration to an existing structure, a BAL assessment is required.
BAL assessments determine the specific requirements for construction standards related to the applicable BAL rating for all buildings within the bushfire-prone areas. This is undertaken to improve their resistance to a bushfire attack.
David Wills And Associates civil engineer Barbara Dryhinicz is an Accredited BPAD Level 1 Practitioner, who can undertake a BAL assessment and provide construction requirements for properties located within these designated areas.
For more information, please contact our office.